It is indeed a pleasure to witness the growth of The Group of Parekh College its inception in 1966.
To excel in today's fast-moving world, it takes a special kind of skill to rise above the rest.
It requires left brain, right brain thinking that is able to concentrate, conceptualize and connect. The skill is about synthesizing information
and arriving at innovation. We would like to place on record on our own behalf and
on behalf of the entire management our warmest appreciation on the excellent
performance by the students who passed since 1966. We are sure that in the years
to come the students of the College will rise to greater heights of performance and
bring credit to themselves and the Institution which has nurtured them.
We are sure the students and parents would have taken note of the various
changes introduced in the affairs of the College to streamline the performance of
various systems constituting parts of the College. The trust members visualize the
future of our education system and offer the best education at The Group of
Parekh College. The trust is committed to imparting knowledge to all those who
aspire for it. It is also our mission to offer various job-oriented courses in
consultation with industries to give importance to the practicality of life.
Commitment to Education is our strength.